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Whether you’re just getting into tea or you’re already in love, expand your tea knowledge and world with these tea tips!

How should you store your tea? We’ve all seen the messy drawers and forgotten teas in the scattered at the back of cupboards. The unfortunate part is when you actually have to throw away precious tea because you simply can’t remember when it’s from.. It’s time to change that and keep your tea fresh and …

Read More about How To Properly Store Your Tea To Stay Fresh & Organized

Tea is filled with a long list of health benefits – one of those being that it can reduce anxiety. So if you have anxiety, drinking tea might be the answer for you!

There are certain herbal teas that have anxiety reducing benefits. This includes being able to help you relax, sleep at night, or reducing tension. But, drinking tea for anxiety might just help by giving you a moment to yourself to debrief.

Read More about Top 10 Best Teas For Anxiety To Stay Calm & Stress Free!

Coffee can come with some pretty bad side effects, especially if you’re drinking a lot of it. I mean, too much of anything isn’t good for our health, right?

So there are actually other plants that offer healthy alternatives to coffee with caffeine. Each alternative gives you a different amount and type of energy. It’s all about finding the coffee alternative that works best for you

Read More about 5 Healthy Coffee Alternatives To Energize You All Day