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7 Delicious Fall Teas That Aren’t Pumpkin Spice Lattes You Need To Try

Why are autumn teas always spiced? Fall doesn’t own cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, or cardamom flavours… do they?

If you’re looking for a change from the classic spiced fall tea, or never liked them in the first place (like me!), then this list of non-spiced fall teas is perfect for you!

P.S. Spike it up a notch, and add some alcohol to your falls teas for some warm tea cocktails!

Psst! This blog post contains affiliate links in it which sends me a bit of extra money if you use them… at no extra cost to you!

Delicious Non Spiced Teas for Fall You Need To Try

The Best Fall Teas That Aren’t Spiced

Are you sick of pumpkin spiced lattes taking over your fall tea season?

Or maybe you’re just looking for a change from spiced teas for fall?

Or perhaps you’ve never been a fan of spiced teas to begin with (like me!)?

Either way, here is the ultimate list of non-spiced fall teas for you!

P.S. Have fun taste testing your favourite fall teas with my tea tasting journal and guide!

two mugs. One is filled with a dark brown brew, there are pu'erh tea cakes in front of it. The other is a double walled mug with orange brew, there are pieces of chaga mushroom tea in a pinch bowl in front.

1. Non-Spiced Apple Tea

There’s no denying that apple screams fall. The only problem is, with apple tends to come cinnamon.

Lucky for you, I’ve found apple teas that aren’t spiced all! They’re hard to come by, but they do exist, you just have to know where to look!

This Apple Refresh from Ahmad tea is the perfect morning tea in the fall. It combined black tea with natural apple flavouring and pieces.

For a decaf option, this Caramel Apple from The Republic of Tea is a rooibos base.

Let’s be real, fall just wouldn’t be the same without an apple inspired tea.

non-spiced apple tea for autumn in a pink cappuccino mug. It's surrounded by a fall seen all around. A red table cloth, covered in maple leafs, there's a pine cone, acorn (both fake) and some real apples behind.

2. Cranberry Apple Fall Tea That Isn’t Spiced

One of my all time favourite apple fall teas is Bigelow’s Cranberry Apple. This blend is a hidden autumn gem in my mind.

Cranberry is also a very significant fall flavour. Think about your traditional Thanksgiving meal: turkey with a side of… cranberry sauce!

Cranberry and apple creates such a refreshing and soothing tea blend for fall. Plus, I can’t get over that rich velvety red colour when brewed!

cranberry apple individual tea bag for fall is resting on a tower of shiny macintosh apples and a pinecone. Behind it is a clear glass mug with a tea bag floating inside, it's a red colour and the tea bag string is hanging outside. But it's too out of focus to see what it says. On the left, you can also see two glass mugs filled with orange and yellow tea.

3. Non-Spiced Caramel Teas For Fall

Caramel is another predominant fall flavour, I mean, is anything more comforting than caramel? Especially warm caramel!?

It’s warm, it’s smooth, sweet, and absolutely delicious! Perfect to cozy up with on a cold fall day!

There are a few options for getting a cozy-licious caramel tea, making this autumn tea as simple or as complicated as you like.

The easiest is to buy a non-spiced caramel blend, like this one from Tealyra.

Another option is to buy a caramel syrup to add to any tea. Pair caramel syrup with black tea for added sweetness isn’t of adding sugar (it’s also really good in coffee!). If you want a caffeine-free option, you can also add it to a rooibos tea. 

But if you wanted to step it up a notch, you can make your own caramel milk tea from scratch following this recipe from Entirely Elizabeth. You get a decadent caramel milk tea with cozy written all over it!

a fall tea lifestyle photo on a marble countertop with a white background. There are three mugs, a tall glass mug with a red brew, a glass cappuccino mug with a yellow brew, and a white cappuccino mug filled with a light brown latte. In the back is a ceramic containers with the word tea. in the middle. There's a pile of apples, pinecones, and acorns on the counter. There's also a pinch bowl filled with a yellow powder - turmeric.

4. Ultimate Black Autumn Tea: Pu’Erh

If you’re looking for the perfect black tea for fall, Pu’erh is the one for you. It’s a fermented black tea, and it’s honestly like nothing you’ve ever tasted before.

The best way to describe Pu’erh is as the Guinness of teas.

It’s quite a bit darker and heavier than black tea, with much stronger and earthier notes (p.s. expand your tea tasting palette with my tea tasting guide!).

But understand why you don’t really want to be drinking this tea during the summer now!?

Normally Pu’erh comes in a pressed tea cake, but Numi sells it in a very convenient tea bag on Amazon.

different types of puerh black tea to buy all laid out nicely on a bamboo wood tea plate. It's photographed from above. 

You can see, from the left, four wrapped pressed tea cakes, one is open so you can see tea leaves tightly pressed together. Next to it is a pinch bowl with a broken off tea cake, the leaves are still pressed together but it was taken off of a larger cake. 

Then there's another pinch bowl filled with loose puerh leaves, these have already been broken up from the original tea cake. And finally, there's the final brewed cup of puerh. It's a rich red colour. 

There's also a thick metal pointed needle with a wood handle, this is a tool to break up the tea cake.
The different forms that Pu’erh can come in: from tea cake to loose leaf tea.

But Pu’erh comes with a caveat that I have to warn you about. It does tend to smell a bit like manure… It doesn’t taste like manure, but the smell can be off-putting at the start. 

But it’s all worth it because Pu’erh also has some insane health benefits. Black tea is already healthy for you, but the fermentation process heightens all of its benefits. It’s kind of a beast in the tea world!

P.S. Looking for a tea inspired book to cozy up with this fall? Check out The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane which is actually inspired by Pu’Erh tea growers.

a white mug with the text: morning hug in a mug written on the front. It's filled with a dark brown brew: puerh. Next to it is a punch bowl, it's filled with individually wrapped pucks, or tea cakes. there's Chinese writing on it. The background is a red table cloth, with scattered pinecones and acorns around the subjects.

5. The Perfect Green Tea For Fall: Hojicha

Hojicha is my new tea obsession.

It’s a roasted green tea that is absolutely perfect fall tea that isn’t spiced at all! In Japan, Hojicha is a popular brew after dinner due to the lower amounts of caffeine as well.

Green tea isn’t exactly what you think of when you picture teas for fall. Green tea is usually a fresh, light tea that’s an obvious tea of choice during the spring and summer.

But because the leaves are roasted, Hojicha has a wonderfully rich nutty and caramel taste.

Hojicha roasted japanese green tea. A birds eye view of the dried, branch like, tea leaves. And a brewed hojicha tea in a clear double walled glass mug. It's caramel brown colour when brewed

The un-steeped leaves also really remind me of little tree branches, like leafless trees during the fall. 

Today you can find two types of Hojicha you can buy: tea leaves, or powder (like matcha).

Loose leaf tea leaves, like these on Amazon, are just steeped normally as you would any other tea. But the powder is perfect for making hojicha lattes (I even like adding some vanilla extract or even mint!).

hojicha roasted green tea latte autumn teas. 

A woman's hand is holding a white cappuccino mug, filled with a light brown creamy latte. Next to the mug is a small pinch bowl filled with what looks like ripped up bark, but it's just roasted green tea leaves, hojicha. 

This is all sitting on a counter with a red table cloth on top.

6. Herbal Orange Chaga Autumn Tea

If you want a truly unique autumn tea, chaga tea is the one for you!

Chaga is actually a mushroom, it brews an immune boosting vibrant orange tea, perfect for keeping you healthy and feeling like it’s fall!

In fact, chaga tea was used as a natural remedy for centuries. But there are some risks associated with it, especially if you’re diabetic or on blood thinners. Read more about the benefits and risks of Chaga tea before brewing some.

The taste isn’t too bad either considering it’s tea made from a mushroom. The tea is surprisingly really sweet, and it reminds me of drinking a hot apple cider. 

An assortment of non spiced fall teas: a tumbler with a hot toddy, a dark brown brew with pu'erh tea cakes in front of it, an orange brew chaga tea, hojicha tea leaves in front, a red cranberry apple in the back, with golden yellow turmeric tea in front.

7. Healthy Yellow Turmeric Tea

PSA! I had no idea it was turmeric… I always thought it was tumeric (I was missing an ‘R’)… anyone else?

Anyway, if you’re missing your spiced fall teas, try turmeric tea! You’re using the actual spice to make tea, how cool is that!?

I’ll admit, it was very strange to get on board with turmeric tea at first. It involves a lot of different flavours that I’m not really used to from tea.

But on top of being a spice, it’s also vibrant yellow, and is insanely healthy for you!

You can buy prepackaged turmeric tea, I like Turmeric Spice tea bag from Vahdam.

three clear glass mugs with fall teas that arent spiced for fall. They are sitting on a vibrant red table cloth, with a maple leaf pattern. One mug is an orange chaga brew, then a yellow turmeric tea, and finally a rich red cranberry apple.

But you can also make your own blend using ground turmeric. I recommend buying higher quality turmeric (like this organic turmeric on Amazon) than what you would normally use for cooking.  

To make turmeric tea, take turmeric powder and add boiling water to it. It’s that easy.

To offset the spice, you can also add lemon and honey to taste. But a favourite to combine with turmeric tea is black pepper. Sounds odd, but it’s kind of important!

Pepper aids in the digestion of the curcumin in turmeric, which is the reason for all the health benefits (it also gives turmeric its’ bright yellow colour).

You can even add some milk to turn it into a latte.

a small white and grey speckled mug with a blue rim. It's filled with an orange brew, turmeric tea. You know it's turmeric tea because there are turmeric roots next to it, the one on top is cut open to see a rich golden yellow orange insides. There's also a speckle on top of the tea, it's black pepper.
Don’t forget to top off your turmeric Autumn tea with pepper to maximize on the benefits!

Bonus! Upgraded Hot Toddy (Sans Spice!)

A classic hot toddy is lemon, honey, a cinnamon stick, with whiskey and hot water. There’s no denying that this is the ultimate comfort drink for fall.

You have the immune boosting power of the honey and lemon, with the comfort of whiskey (which we all know is why we’re drinking it in the first place!).

But this is a list of non-spiced fall teas after all, so I’ve upgraded the classic hot toddy recipe to include tea and zero spice!

You’re already using hot water, so all you need to do is swap the cinnamon stick for a black tea bag. Alcohol (especially whiskey) goes really well with black tea.

a classic hot toddy in a mug. You can see the steam radiating off the tea filled mug. There's a lemon slice taking up half the circumference of the mug. There are two cinnamon sticks lying next to the mug, outside. 
The background is black.
Classic hot toddy, but add a tea bag and don’t add the cinnamon!

I like using a bag of Red Rose black tea for this, but I’m sure it would work with any black tea.

Make sure to not let it steep for too long otherwise it will be really strong. I also like using black tea too because whiskey tends to make me a tad sleepy!

I don’t use a high quality black tea, or a high quality whiskey because you’re mixing it with other ingredients. 

You can find my full tea hot toddy recipe in my hot tea cocktail round up!

two glasses are sitting on the counter. On the left is a whisky tumbler, filled with an amber drink, and a lemon slice on the rim. Next to it is a white ceramic mug, filled with a dark brown brew. In the back, out of focus, is Canadian Club classic whiskey bottle.

The Best Fall Tea Hack: Add Honey To Your Tea

Drinking tea in the fall is, of course, all about enjoying fall tea flavours you didn’t want to look at over the summer. But teas for fall are also about staying healthy.

That’s why one of my favourite fall tea hacks is to add honey to my tea.

It’s especially nice in my morning cup of black tea, but it can be added to any tea on this list.

Not only does honey acts as a natural sweetener, but it also has immune boosting properties. I especially love it to sooth a scratchy throat when I have a cold!

And don’t worry, honey becoming toxic in tea is just a rumour.

a close up of a honey jar, it looks like a beehive with a little bee on a stick sticking out of the cover. There's a painted bee on the jar, and it says honey miel. Next to it is a pinch bowl filled with turmeric powder, a pepper grinder, and a mug of yellow turmeric tea, and a lemon wedge on the corner

Autumn Inspired Mugs To Add To Your Collection

You need to drink your fall teas in style!

I absolutely LOVE this subtle pumpkin shaped mug from Anthropologie. I mean nothing screams fall more than drinking from a ceramic pumpkin! 

But for a mug that screams Halloween pick up this Witches Brew cauldron mug from Amazon.

all the non spiced fall teas sitting on a marble counter with a white wall behind.

From the left: a jar of dried chaga tea, Canadian club whiskey, with a tumbler of amber liquid in front. A mug with a dark brown brew, the mug says morning hug in a mug. In front sit a pinch bowl with wrapped pu'erh tea cakes.
Pinecones separate the brewed orange tea, with a pinch bowl of dried hojicha tea leaves and a lemon wedge in front. Then there are two mugs, one with a red brew, the other with a golden yellow. In front of the yellow brew is a pinch bowl filled with yellow turmeric powder. Then there's a tower of three apples, with a tea bag package for Bigelows Cranberry apple tea sitting on it. And finally you have a white cappuccino mug with a light brown latte. There's a tea jar behind it, and a honey jar cut off as the photo ends on the right

Shop Non Spiced Fall Teas on Amazon

Bundle & Save – The Ultimate Digital Tea Bundle

The digital tea bundle has everything you need to step up your tea game. With a digital print, tea tasting journal, tea tasting notes, tea tracker, and an afternoon tea party checklist! You’re all set!

See the perfect tea bundle on Etsy.

P.S. Use my code ATRLOVE at checkout for an extra discount!

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Delicious Non Spiced Teas for Fall You Need To Try
Delicious Non Spiced Teas for Fall You Need To Try

Last update on 2025-03-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API