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35 Best Travel Games To Play On Your Next Vacation

There are many reasons you may want to bring board games on the go.

Travel games are the perfect source of entertainment while you’re on a road trip, waiting for a flight, have some time to spare before dinner reservations, or are just looking for something to do that isn’t staring at a screen.

My partner and I are huge board game fans when we’re at home, so we love packing some games any time we’re travelling. Not all games are good travel games though… so I put together a list of the best games for travel.

To qualify as a travel game, it has to be either small and compact, easily malleable, or you can transfer all the pieces from the box to one convenient travel pouch.

I’ve included travel games for adults, solo games, family friendly games, party travel games, and games lasting anywhere from 10 minutes to 3 hours! 

Psst! This blog post contains affiliate links in it which sends me a bit of extra money if you use them… at no extra cost to you!

Top East To Pack Travel-Friendly Games To Bring on Your Next Vacation #travelgames #packablegames #easytopackgames #travelfriendlygames

Classic Card Travel Games To Play On Vacation

Card games are no brainer travel games because they’re SUPER packable! There isn’t much to pack, except for well… a deck of cards.  

They fit into almost any space, and can be played anywhere. You usually don’t need a large surface to play a card game like would need for a board game.

P.S. You might also be interested in a no fights vacation game (or less fights at least) with my top 10 cooperative board games for travel!


1. A Simple Deck of Cards


The possibilities are pretty much endless with a basic deck of cards. There’s always another card game you could play and replay.  

There are solo games like Solitaire, two-player games like Spit, and group games like Go Fish!

See the ultimate list of games you can play with a deck of cards.

Shop A Deck Of Cards


2. UNO!


Players: 2-10
Age: 7+
Average Game Time: Varies 45 minutes

Is there any better classic card game than UNO? This was a must bring on every family vacation.

The game is simple: everyone is trying to get rid of all their cards to win.

The only problem? You keep having to pick up cards to match specific colours and numbers. So, it may be easier said than done!  

There’s classic UNO, but these days there’s many other iterations of this family fun game.

P.S. UNO is also very similar to the classic game of Crazy Eights that you can play with any deck of cards if you don’t have UNO on hand. 

Travel Games: Protect Your Cards While Traveling…
Hermitshell Hard Travel Case for Mattel UNO Classic Card Game – Not Including Cards (Black)
  • Hermitshell Hard Travel Storage Carrying Case
  • Protect your favorite device from bumps dents and scratches
  • Made to fit Mattel UNO Classic Card Game – Not Including Cards

Buy Hard Case on

3. Monopoly Deal

Players: 2-5
Age: 8+
Average Game Time: 15 minutes

If you like Monopoly and are upset that the board is just to big to travel with, Monopoly Deal is the ultimate alternative to turn Monopoly into one of the best games for travel! 

Monopoly Deal is a card-only version of Monopoly. It’s the same idea as the original, you’re trying to build the same colour set of properties. But instead of moving around a board, you play and pick up cards. 

It’s a lot quicker than Monopoly too, so you can play a round in 10 to 20 minutes. This makes it a game to play at the beach, before dinner reservations, or waiting for a connecting flight.

Shop Monopoly Deal


4. Mille Bornes


Players: 2-6 
Age: 7+
Average Game Time: 20 minutes

Milles Bornes is the original racing card game! I loved this card game growing up but it isn’t just for kids. It’s one of the best card travel games for adults – it’s fast paced, and unexpected!  

The object of the game is to be the first person to reach 1000 kilometers. But watch out, you don’t want to run out of gas, get a flat tire, or crash!  

Shop Mille Bornes


5. Skip Bo


Players: 2-6
Age: 7+
Average Game Time: 20 minutes

Similar to UNO, the winner is the first person to get rid of all their cards. But, in Skip Bo, it works a bit differently. 

In Skip Bo, each player has their own draw pile and there are 4 build piles in the middle. Everyone is trying to build the piles in ascending order.

So when it’s your turn to build on the piles, the goal is to get rid of as many cards as you can.  


Unique Card Travel Games

These next set card games are more unique, but are some of the best games for travel!

If you’re a bit more of an avid gamer, these will probably be more up your ally. Requiring a bit more strategy and a bit less luck. They resemble more of what you’re used to with board games, just with cards only! 

I’ve also included some cooperatives travel games which means you’ll be teaming up with your travel partners to win! These are perfect if you’re travelling with family and you want to avoid any sibling fights…

Going on a road trip?

Check out my digital and printable road trip I Spy game on Etsy.

6. Hanabi


Players: 2-5
Age: 8+
Average Game time: 20-30 minutes
Similar Games: The Mind

We actually bought Hanabi while travelling in Aix-en-Provence for a month and now it’s one of our go-to travel games. 

Hanabi is a very different game than what you might be use to. It’s a co-op game that teaches you how to communicate with others, without actually being able to vocalize anything.

You see, in Hanabi, you don’t get to look at your own cards, so it’s up to your teammates to tell you what to play. 

The objective of the game is to “light” 5 sets of fireworks by matching the number and colour… all without seeing your own cards.  

An alternative option to Hanabi is The Mind.

Shop Hanabi


7. Kittens in a Blender


Players: 2-4
Age: 6+
Average Game Time: 30 minutes

Before disregarding this game based on the title, know that no cats are harmed while playing. Although I’ll admit the subject matter is a bit dark, so perhaps this is one of those travel games for adults only…

To play Kittens In A Blender, each player has kittens they’re trying to save, while also trying to blend those of your opponent.

The winner is the player who has the least amount of kittens blended.

The best part is that you use the box it comes while playing, so all the cards stay contained.

Shop Kittens In A Blender


8. Pack O Games


Pack O Games are THE SMALLEST travel games you can find. I always throw them in my bag regardless of where I’m going, just because they’re so small.  

The downside is that although the cards themselves are small too.

The games I own also take up quite a bit of table space while playing as well.  

I own four Pack O Play: Boo, Bus, TKO, and Gym. Each one is significantly different, with varying game-time as well.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to get them in Canada. You can order them online from their website, or if you find yourself in the States, pick them up at Barnes & Noble.

9. Codenames

Players: 2,6, or 8
Age: 10+
Average Game Time: 15 minutes

Alternate Version: Codenames Duet, Harry Potter Codenames, Disney Codenames.

Similar (easier) Game
Cross Clues 

Codenames is a bit of a trickier game to travel with, but it’s still do-able. You only need to pack 2 decks of cards, which can fit into a pouch or bag. The downside to this game is the amount of space you need to set it up. You need a decent size table to create a 5×5 grid.  

To play Codenames, you also need an even number of players.

The idea is to get your partner to guess certain cards based on a one word clue you’ve given them. Watch out though, there are certain cards that will cause you to lose the game if your partner guesses it instead! 

If you’re traveling with only two players, I recommend Codenames Duet, as it’s tailored to 2 players.

There are also a few themed Codenames you can buy. For example, we own Harry Potter Codenames but there’s also Disney Codenames! What I like about Harry Potter (aside from the theme) is that they also give you different scenarios to play.

10. The Fox In The Forest


Players: 2
Age: 10+
Average Game Time: 30 minutes

The Fox in the Forest is what’s known as a trick-taking game. You have to play cards to take your opponents card (similar to the card game WAR, but with actual strategy).

This is a max 2 player game, so it’s the perfect travel game for couples.

There are actually two versions of this game:

The original Fox in the Forest is competitive, where you’re playing against your opponent to get the most points (cards).

They’ve also released Fox in the Forest Duet, where you’re on a team with your partner. You can’t talk to each other though, which adds a very interesting dynamic to the game.

Shop Fox In The Forest


Shop Duet

11. The Crew

Players: 2-5 (best 3+ but there is a 2 player variant)
Age: 10+
Average Game Time:  20 minutes

This game is AMAZING! It’s so simple, so packable, and quick to learn and play. The Crew is a limited communication and cooperative trick taking game but with an outer space theme. 

(P.S. They’ve just released a new edition The Crew Mission Deep Sea!)

That means you’re working together through different missions to win the game… but you can’t speak to each other.

The Crew changes it up by giving you different missions each time you play. You might need one person to win a specific card or maybe they can’t win any cards at all! Remember, if a person fails their mission, you’ll all fail.

A mission can take you anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. But there’s no limit to how many missions you can play in a row. 

12. Spot It!


Players: 2-8
Age: 6+
Average Game Time:  5 minutes

Spot It! is an extremely compact game to travel with, perfect for any age!

The goal is to find a common symbol between two cards.

It sounds simple, but it’s fast paced, and beyond fun!

The game even comes with 5 different ways to play to change things up a bit!

13. Bohnanza

a woman holding five cards in her hands, displaying them so she can see what she's holding. They are fun comic cards that have cartoon beans on them, each one is a different number and there are coin amounts underneath the artwork. Behind the cards, blurred in the background is a bright blue pool.

Players: 3-7
Age: 12+
Average Game Time:  45 minutes

Bohnanza is a card game where you plant crops of beans, trying to create combos to get the most points to win.

There’s a trading aspect of the game, but it’s not necessary.

There’s also a two version of the player game (that I actually prefer, and that’s the one I own, although I have yet to see it in English… There’s a German version on Amazon, and I own the French version!)

14. Mindbug

a hand holding up a box that sayz: mindbug, with a pink monster behind the words. The box isn't big, the Behind the hand is a blurred plane connected to the airport by the tunnel

Players: 2
Age: 8+
Average Game Time:  15 minutes

I’m not going to lie to you, I actually hate this game. But not every game is going to be for me, and that’s okay. My partner LOVES it!

It’s a two player game where you’re battling the other players monsters with different abilities.

The catch!? You each have two “mind bug” cards where you can steal the other players cards at any moment.

So it’s a battle game with a little game of chicken as well to time using your mind bug on the right card.

I think if you’re a fan of Magic the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh battling games, it’s very similar.

Card Travel Games For Adults

The next two card travel games I’d only really recommend as adults games to play on vacation due to their difficulty and subject matter.

15. Coup


Players: 2-6
Age: 13+
Average Game Time: 15 minutes

Coup is a travel game of deception.

Essentially, you have to trick your opponents into believing you have a certain character cards.

Each character has a different ability that you may need to win the game, but you’re only dealt 2 cards.  

The game says you can play two players, although I don’t recommend it. It becomes very quick and not that interesting, so it’s much better at higher player counts.  

If deception games are up your alley, there’s no better travel games for adults than Coup. The only thing you will need to pack are a deck of cards and a few tokens.

You also don’t need a lot of space to set up the game.

16. The Grizzled


Players: 2-5 (best 3+ but there is a 2 player variant)
Age: 14+
Average Game Time:  30 minutes

The Grizzled is another cooperative card game that is perfect to bring on your next trip.

This is the ultimate game for board game lovers. On the outside, it looks like a simple card game, but the game play can be quite complex.

Even though it’s such a small box, the game gives you all the complexities of a larger board game! 

The Grizzled has a WWI theme where players are friends that are working together to come home safely, but there’s a catch…. You can’t speak to each other! This makes it a very strategic game.

We’ve only ever won a handful of times! It plays best with three or more players, but we play it with two and still love it!

Buy The Grizzled



Best Group Board Games For Travelling (& Partying!)

These next few are easy to pack travel games are perfect if you’re travelling with a bigger group. All these travel games work for 8 or more people, but some can still be played solo or in pairs. 

These are the best board games for travelling if you’re renting a cabin in the country with some friends, or going on a family vacation. 

17. Paku Paku


Players: 2-8
Age: 8+
Average Game time: 10 minutes

Paku Paku is a whirlwind of fun in such a tiny box!

It’s the perfect game when you only have a few minutes to spare, or to ramp up the start of the evening games.

You’re rolling and passing die as fast as you possibly can because you don’t want to end up with all of them.

On top of that, if you roll the wrong thing, then you’ll have to stack a dish and hope the stack doesn’t come crashing down!

Buy Paku Paku Go


18. Sushi Go (Party)

Players: 2-8
Age: 8+
Average Game time: 20 minutes

Sushi Go is a pass-and-go sushi building game! You get points for building different sushi rolls. But I said it was pass and go right, so your cards are always changing.

The person with the most points at the end wins! 

You can play this game with as little as two people, but I find it a lot more fun the more players you have.

Sushi Go Party is the same as the original Sushi Go, it just comes with a board, more cards, and let’s you play with more people. I’ve only heard good things about the Party version, and it’s the recommended game to get out of the two.

Either way, it all comes in a beautifully compact tin which makes it one of the best games for travel!

19. Cards Against Humanity

Players: 4-20+
Age: 17+
Average Game Time: 30-90 minutes

Similar game: Joking Hazard, where you finish a comic strip instead of a sentence.   

Some advance warning, this game isn’t for the faint of heart, but it is hilarious!

You’ll be sure to have a grand time with your friends playing this game.  

The goal of the game is to answer questions, or finish sentences with the cards in your hand. You want to come up with the most ridiculous answers to win.  

This game is sure to get the party started and everyone laughing their heads off. You’ll end up with some hilarious responses, and ones that make absolutely zero sense. 

There are expansion packs you can also buy, or knock offs based on specific themes. This is another example of travel games for adults, but in this case there are more family friendly versions called Cards Against Maturity – see it on Amazon here.

Shop Cards Against Humaniy


20. Bananagrams


Players: 1-8
Age: 7+
Average Game Time: 10 minutes

Bananagrams is similar to Scrabble, only you don’t need a board, and you’re racing others to build your own crossword grid.

So, although you do need space for everyone to build their own grid, it comes in the most handy travel pouch ever – one that’s shaped like a banana!

This game is perfect for larger groups, or by yourself trying to beat your best time! 

If you are planning on playing it in a larger group, you can also pick up Bananagrams Party, which adds extra chaos tiles to the game to make it more interesting.

Shop Bananagrams


21. 5 Second Rule


Players: 3+
Age: 10+
Average Game Time: 30 minutes

5-Second Rule is a fast paced game that is sure to stump you.

The object of the game is to answer questions in only 5 seconds. Rapid fire fun! It’s so easy to pick up and learn, so it’s perfect if you’re a bigger group! 

This game really gets you thinking! The answers people come up with when they only have 5 seconds to think will shock you! It’s a game that keeps everyone laughing the whole night long!

If you’re short on space, leave the board at home and just bring the timer with some cards! 

Shop 5 Second Rule


22. Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective


Players: 1-8
Age: 14+
Average Game Time: 90+ minutes

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective is a cooperative game where you’re trying to solve mysteries in London faster than Sherlock Holmes can.

We were very skeptical about this game at first but fell in LOVE!

You’re given 10 Sherlock Holmes cases to solve. Head ups, it’s very story heavy with a lot of reading. But, there’s also a lot of heated discussion and problem solving with the other players that takes place.

Keep in mind, you’ll only be able to play each scenario once (because then you’ll know the answers!).

But, I find it takes us a lot longer than they say to solve each case. Each case could last as long as 2-3 nights to play.  

You don’t have to bring the entire huge box with you either. Pack one or two case files, the map, and directory. It makes for a spooky, collaborative game night on vacation!  

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23. Table Tennis


This game isn’t really a group game because only two people can play at once, but it is a more physically active game to bring, and you can always set up rules to play the winner.  

The pieces are packable and you can set it up on any table!

Shop Table Tennis



Best Board Games On The Go That Are Easy To Pack

Everyone loves classic games like Scrabble and Battleship, but did you know there are travel-friendly versions to take with you on vacation!?

You can also turn most games into vacation games by leaving the huge box at home and packing your game contents in a pouch (like these on Amazon). Now it’ll fit almost anywhere! I own several pouches, of all different sizes.

24. Travel Scrabble


Players: 2-4
Age: 8+
Average Game Time: 25 minutes

Scrabble, the classic word game! You probably wouldn’t think of Scrabble when you think of travel games. I mean, there are a lot of loose pieces!

But they actually sell a travel-friendly Scrabble. It’s the same game you know and love, building words with letters to maximize points. But it comes in a compact zip folder where you can store all the pieces. The letters also click into the board so you don’t have to worry about losing any pieces haphazardly.  

We used to play this game on our long drive to Florida from Montreal in the car!  

Shop Travel Scrabble


25. Trivial Pursuit


The classic game of Trivial Pursuit tests your knowledge. They sell different board-less versions, plus they have a ton of themes for you to choose from!

If you have the original board game, you can still travel with it by leaving the board at home. Just take the cards and dice along with you to play on the go.  

We bought the Harry Potter version (of course) but they also sell Friends version and one for horror fans …etc.. You can also buy a few based on your interests and mix and match, or build up your collection over the years!

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26. Pictionary


Players: 4
Age: 8+
Similar: Pictionary Card Game, Pictionary Air

Pictionary is a group drawing and guessing game. You’re in teams, so you do need an even number of people to play.  

It’s one of the best games for travel because the game can be as small as you want it to be. The largest part is the box, but if you remove all the contents it becomes a pretty compact game.

We used to need to bring tons of paper when we brought this game on family vacations, but now it even comes with a dry-erase board.

They also sell a card only game if you prefer card travel games. You build your pictures with pre-drawn cards. Or, Pictionary Air, if you’re bringing an IPad with you on vacation. 

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Pictionary Card Game
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Pictionary Air
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27. Taboo


Players: 4+
Age: 13+ (option for Taboo Jr with easier words)

Taboo is the opposite of Pictionary. Instead of of drawing, you have to use words. But in Taboo some words are off limits and can’t be spoken! 

The game contains a timer, cards, buzzer, and die (to select the word category). Perfect for travelling, just put it in a pouch and you’re good to go. It’s also quick to pick up and play on the whim! 

28. Battleship


Players: 2
Age: 7+
Average Game Time: 15 minutes

The classic game of Battleship also comes in a travel-friendly compact size. This game can only be played with two people though. 

You set up your boats in the ocean and call out coordinates to try and sink your opponent’s boats.  

You want to have the last battleship standing to win the game. 

Shop Battleship


29. The Bloody Inn


Players: 2-4
Age: 14+
Average Game Time: 30-60 minutes

You’ve probably never heard of The Bloody Inn, but it’s one of our favourite travel games.

It has the potential to be short or long making it super flexible for travel WITH. 

The theme is exactly what you’d imagine. You’re murdering guests at the hotel, and trying to get away with it (it’s also in the travel games for adults section!).

Each player is building their own deck, and trying to get the most points at the end of the game.  

It comes with a board, cards, and a few tokens. The board is quite small, so it easily fits in a small pouch, making one of the ultimate boards games on the go! 

Shop The Bloody Inn


30. Quoridor


Players: 2-4
Age: 8+
Average Game Time: 10 minutes
Similar Games: Blokus

A bartender in Vienna recommended this game to us as it was simple to explain and the game time was relatively short.

Quoridor similar to games like chess or checkers, where the goal is to get your pawn to the other side of the board. But in Quoridor, you also have pieces to block your opponent or secure your own path to the other side.  

It’s a very interesting strategy game that can be so frustrating at times but that will keep you playing time and time again! 

You can buy the full size version, but it also comes in a lightweight travel size, making it one of the best board games for travelling! 

Best Games For Travel – Solo Travel Games

These next few travel games are perfect if you’re a solo traveler, or you want to zone out by yourself for a bit. There are times when you want a single player game to pass the time. 

These were my top board games on the go for our 25 hour drive to Florida from Montreal. I was always in the back row of our van by myself. I’d zone out with some music and entertain myself for a few hours with these travel games.

That being said, these games also have the possibility to be played with other people. You can collaborate and think of solutions together. 

31. 20 Questions


The goal of 20 Questions is to figure out what you’re thinking about in 20 questions or less… with only yes or no questions.

You can play this game by yourself and with others, and without any device at all. But, this game console kept me entertained for HOURS – even when no one else wanted to play.  

I’d see things on the road and would try and have the game figure out what I was thinking of. It’s surprising how many times it got the right answer!

Shop 20 Questions


32. Rush Hour


I LOVE Rush Hour!

It’s a problem solving strategy game that’s small enough to travel with.  

You’re a car stuck in traffic, and you’re trying to rearrange yourself and the other cars to get to the exit.

Cards give you different scenarios to solve, increasing the difficulty as you go.  

The cards are stored away in the box, and the pieces fit on the board while you play.

33. Shape By Shape


Shape by Shape is very similar to Rush Hour.

Instead of trying to move the pieces around to get out of traffic, you’re recreating images with shapes.

It’s way harder than it looks! You have to get all the shapes to fit together perfectly.

Shop Shape By Shape


Best Electronic Game Console For Travel: The Nintendo Switch

If you’re interested in having a travel-friendly console, there’s none better than the Nintendo Switch.  

Game consoles are actually very convenient for travel. All you have to pack is the console itself, which is typically pretty small, and some games.

The games take up no space at all! They’re small SD cards, or you can buy them directly on your switch and have them pre-downloaded. 

I had a NintendoDS growing up and would take it with me on every vacation. Now, I have (well, my partner has) a Nintendo Switch and we LOVE it! It’s the only console you’ll ever need because it hooks up to the TV if you want to play with a larger group, but you can also play handheld if you’re a single player.


34. Best Single-Player Travel Games On the Nintendo Switch

There are countless single player games for the Nintendo Switch. We buy more multi-player games to play together, but these are some of our favourite single player games on the Switch.

35. Best Multi-Player Travel Games On the Nintendo Switch

This is what I love about the switch: the ability to pack and play by yourself and others. We’ve brought it to the country to play with friends. Nintendo sells tons of games that are perfect party games.  

For example, Mario Party, Arms, Mario Kart, Super Smash…etc. All of these also have a solo mode, but they’re the perfect party game. You can even buy classic games like Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, and Risk for the Switch (U.S. link)!


Take Almost Any Board Games On The Go​

You can transform almost any game into a travel friendly version by buying a pouch or smaller tin to transport the contents in, as long as the board is small enough to fit inside, and there aren’t too many pieces to keep track of.

It’s the box that takes up most of the space, and they’re usually half empty! 

I’ve brought countless games on vacation by just removing them from their box and putting all the contents into a separate pouch.  

If you’re worried about bending your cards, they also sell convenient cases to keep all your cards safe in.

You might also be interested in…

My digital and printable packing guide on Etsy. Filled with packing planning prompts for your next trip!

P.S. Get an additional discount on my Etsy shop with my code ATRLOVE!

Read More Travel Tips

Share The Best Travel Games To Take With You On Vacation!

Top East To Pack Travel-Friendly Games To Bring on Your Next Vacation #travelgames #packablegames #easytopackgames #travelfriendlygames
Top East To Pack Travel-Friendly Games To Bring on Your Next Vacation #travelgames #packablegames #easytopackgames #travelfriendlygames

Last update on 2025-03-27 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


Sunday 4th of June 2023

Hi, I just wanted to say that your list was amazing - it had all sorts and was so well written. I felt that I understood the gameplay and whether or not it was my kinda game!

I've just ordered The Crew thanks to your list.

Hope to read more board game recommends in the future. :)


Monday 5th of June 2023

Hi Cara,

Thanks so much for your comment - made my day to read :D I'm so glad you liked my post and recommendations. I really hope you enjoy The Crew! It's one of our favourites to bring on family vacations!


Tuesday 9th of May 2023

Very good tips - I will certainly try them out. I liked the way you shared all this information in detail.


Saturday 6th of May 2023

Awesome post! Thanks for the ideas! A couple of our family favorites are Zombie Dice and Get Bit Deluxe. Get Bit also has a regular version, but the deluxe version is in a tin that makes it more durable.


Monday 8th of May 2023

Thanks so much! I'll definitely have to check those out - I love a good game that comes in a tin for travel! Just so convenient!


Thursday 4th of May 2023

We like to take Love Letter with us when we travel. It fits in my purse and is easy to teach to random strangers who want to play a game haha!


Thursday 4th of May 2023

Hi Lindsay, I love that!!

I've seen that game in so many board game stores but have never played it! I'll have to pick it up the next time and give it a try!


Tuesday 30th of August 2022

Hi! There's a great new holiday game that should be on your list! It's called Bah Humbug!


Tuesday 6th of September 2022

Hi Kathy,

Thanks so much for the suggestion I'll be sure to keep an eye out to play that game this holiday season! Right now I couldn't find it for sale, it seems relatively new but supposed to be released this year!