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7 Tips On How To Pack Your Suitcase Like A Pro

Congratulations! You finally booked your next getaway! Now, aside from planning your itinerary, you need to start planning what you’re going to pack.

Packing is a crucial part of any trip, so it’s time to teach you how to efficiently pack your suitcase for travel to become the ultimate travel packer!

These are my packing tips for what to pack and how to pack more, in less space!

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How To Become the Ultimate Travel Packer #packingfortravel #howtopacksuitcase #packingsuitcase #whattopack

How To Pack A Suitcase

There are a few tricks to how to exactly pack your suitcase to maximize space, and it starts way before ever even taking out your suitcase…

1. Start Thinking About What You Need In Advance

Let’s be real, I like packing a tad more than the average person. I’m packed at least two weeks before any vacation, but I have good reasons for it!

For one, it starts my trip two weeks early.

But it also leaves me with enough time to rethink what I’m packing. I can use that time to repack and reorganize, to ultimately maximize space.

And finally, it leaves me enough time to remember anything I might have initially forgotten to pack (you’d rather forget before than when it’s too late!).

P.S. Start planning what you’re packing with my printable travel packing list. It has both space for you to write your own list and an example packing list included.


5 rows of clothing to be packed: 

1. seaters / jackets: packed k-way, a puffer, jacket, a sweater, and a cargo jacket. And underneath you have two pairs of shoes

2. a mini backpack with two pairs of pants underneath - a black pair and a light pair of jeans

3. twelve folded t shirts, a mix of plain and striped tees

4. a folded buttoned cardigan. two long sleeve shirts, and a studded purse

5. a blue floral scarf

2. Choose Your Suitcase Wisely (Tips On Packing Carry On Luggage)

My suitcase of choice right now is a Travel Pro Maxlite 5 series carry-on. Depending on the length of my trip (two weeks or less), I always try to pack in a carry-on suitcase.

The main reason is for ease of use while travelling (it’s a lot easier to travel with a smaller suitcase than a larger one!).

Not to mention, you also don’t have to wait for your luggage when you land or worry that it’s been lost.

Another bonus is that you can save some money on flights by travelling in a carryon suitcase because nowadays most airlines charge to check a bag (p.s. see other ways I save when booking direct flights).

Don’t know which suitcase to buy? Read my post on what to look for in a suitcase to buy one that will last.

Shop Travel Pro Maxlite 5 Series on Amazon
Travelpro Maxlite 5 Softside Expandable Upright 2 Wheel Carry on Luggage, Lightweight Suitcase, Men and Women, Black, Carry On 22-Inch
  • A half pound lighter than the Maxlite 4 version, this ultra lightweight, ultra durable 22 expandable Rollaboard suitcase maximizes your packing power and meets carry on size restrictions for most domestic airlines. Polyester fabric with stain resistant, water repellant duraguard coating and ergonomic, high tensile strength zipper pulls provide lasting durability.
  • High performance ball bearing wheels and lightweight yet sturdy power scope Lite handle with stops at 38 inches and 42.5 inches reduce wobble and ensure a smooth, easy roll.
  • Expands upto 2 inches to maximize packing capacity with tapered shape to prevent tipping; Features low profile top, side and bottom carry handles, 2 exterior compartments, full length interior lid pocket, side accessory pocket and adjustable hold down straps for packing convenience and flexibility.
travel packer suitcase options. a blue travel pro carryon with a canada luggage tag with the maple leaf. And a bright red with beige accents Kate Spade duffel bag. There's a white knitted blanket behind them

3. Learn How To Maximize Space At The Bottom Of Your Suitcase

Everyone knows that the trenches at the bottom of the suitcase are inconvenient lost space created by the handle and wheels. Throughout my repacking adventures, I found a simple solution for how to fill those gaps to not loose that much packing space… 

You have to find things that fit perfectly within those divots to maximize your space. Here are some of the things I’ve found are the best…

Socks are easy to add to that space. I lay each sock flat within the divot until the hole is completely filled (people usually like stuffing socks in their shoes, don’t worry, you’ll probably have leftover socks to do that too). 

P.S. Packing Tips When Stuffing Shoes With Socks….

When stuffing your shoes with socks, only put them in the heal of the shoe and not into the toe. Putting them in the toe will overstuff the shoe, making it take up more space than it initially would have.

a fun moving gif of a pair of pink ankle socks slowly making their way into the bottom of the suitcase. Once the pink socks are in their spot, more socks are added in between the rails of the suitcase

The main problem with packing socks there is that you need to use them on the first day of your trip, which means unpacking your entire suitcase just to reach them.

So I’ve actually started to pack some less essential items in those spaces. As long as it’s the same height as the bars and not more!

For example, my mini travel umbrella fits perfectly. For women, this is also where I like packing my pads and tampons if I’m expecting my period while away.

If I’m travelling to a winter destination, and extra hat and gloves also fit well in these spaces.

thumbs up with grey winter gloves and a snowy scene in the background

4. Rolling Vs. Flat Packing

If you’ve ever researched the best packing tips, you might have stumbled upon the “Rolling vs. Folding” debate.

If not, let me fill you in… It’s an argument over which of the two methods are better to maximize your space when packing, rolling your clothes or flat packing your clothes.

I found that it’s actually most efficient to combine both methods. Rolling has certain benefits that folding doesn’t, and vice versa. 

The main pro with rolling is that there aren’t any creases after being compressed in a suitcase for several hours. Rolling your clothes also tends to keep them more organized. I don’t know about you, but I always find my neatly folded tees end up turning into a huge mess by the end of the trip.

But the issue with rolling is that certain types of clothes can take up a lot more space than if they’re laid flat. For example, pants and sweaters become HUGE when rolled! So, instead of rolling those, I lay my pants flat on the bottom of my suitcase and do the same thing for larger sweaters.

Related: How (& Why!) You Want To Pack In A Carry-on For 2 Weeks

travel packer rolling vs folding gif; A pair of pants come into the frame and make their way into the suitcase, simply folded in half, and then folded one more time in half. Then a t shirt comes into the frame, the sleeves are folded into each other and then it is rolled before making it's way into the suitcase

5: Never Pack Your Suitcase Without Packing Cubes

Packing cubes (like these on Amazon) have changed the packing game for me, and no, I’m not joking.

When I went to summer camp when I was younger, my mom would separate and pack my clothes in extra large freezer bags. She’d tell me that this is how I’d keep everything organized when I was away, and she was 100% right! But little did she know, she didn’t have to use extra large freezer bags and a product existed for this exact purpose.  

The point of packing cubes is to compress your clothes to ultimately take up less space. And as my mom expressed several times, it’s also a great way to stay organized.

I like packing in at least three packing cubes: one for shirts, a second for underwear and socks, and a third for miscellaneous items (i.e. PJs, cardigans, nicer tops…etc.).

You’ll never be able to pack your suitcase without them again! 

pack your suitcase with packing cubes. A gif of rolled t shirts going into a packing cube which then moves into the suitcase. It's followed by two more packed packing cubes.

6. Stop Overpacking – Packing Your Luggage Tips

We’re all guilty of overpacking – bringing so much more than we actually need when travelling.

Some of these “just in case” items are unavoidable and you can’t get away without packing them. Like raincoats and umbrellas, or even that extra sweater for “just in case it’s cold”. I’m not talking about these items…

I’m talking about that one skirt you bring that only goes with one shirt and you can only wear if all the stars align.

All your clothes should be able to be worn for several occasions and be mixed and matched with most of what you’re packing. 

You already have such limited space packing your suitcase, why are you making it more difficult for yourself!

You shouldn’t bring anything that’s only usable for one scenario or only goes with one shirt or pair of pants. So why is overpacking so bad? That’s because you want to…

You might also be interested in…

My digital and printable packing guide on Etsy. Filled with packing planning prompts for your next trip!

P.S. Get an additional discount on my Etsy shop with my code ATRLOVE!

travel packer boots socks: a pair of black booties come into the frame, stop to be stuffed with rolled pair of socks in the ankle part of the boot. Once both have socks in them, they continue moving to be packed into the suitcase
Make sure to only stuff socks in the heel of your shoe!

7. Leave Room For Your Return Trip Home!

We always want to bring back a souvenir from our travels abroad. Choosing the right souvenir is a whole other issue, read my tips on how to buy one you won’t regret.

But, I have a few strategies to ensure that you’ll always have space for any goodies you want to buy.  

The first method is to not overpack (obviously!).

But a surefire way to know you’ll have space is to actually pack your bulkiest items instead of wearing them on the way down. And then, you swap them on the way back.

Basically, I wear my smallest shoes and thinnest sweater on the way there and the biggest on the way back.

This way, when I’m packing for my trip home, I’ll be able to fit so much more than I could on the way there, without even trying! It’s like finding space that you didn’t even know you had.  

Now you can bring back gifts for the whole fam!

travel packer souvenirs. Photo taken from above, you can see several souvenirs from different trips laid out on a white table. 
Starting from the top left of the photo, there's a small brown leather purse from Italy, a vintage looking snap close change purse from Austria, tin of Granville Island tea from Vancouver, an open tin of English Fine tea from London. In the middle of the photo there's a large golden framed painting of two love birds in water colour. The top right is two boxes of chocolate toast sprinkles from Amsterdam, both dark chocolate and milk chocolate. Below them is a framed lace bunnies from behind from Belgium, and finally there's a tea bag plate from Ireland in the shape of a teapot with a painting of a woman drinking a pint of Guinness
Buy The Travel Bundle & Save

Get everything you need to be a travel pro with my Ultimate Digital Travel Package! It comes with a travel planner, daily travel journal, packing list, and even an Eye Spy game to stay entertained! Everything can be printed, or used digitally on the go!

See the bundle on Etsy.

P.S. As a thank you to my readers, enjoy an extra discount on my Etsy shop with my code ATRLOVE!

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How To Become the Ultimate Travel Packer

Last update on 2025-03-16 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


Wednesday 3rd of May 2023

Very helpful, keep sharing the good stuff.


Wednesday 3rd of May 2023

Thanks so much ! Happy packing :)


Sunday 24th of January 2021

Great review of a great bag.


Monday 25th of January 2021

Thanks! It's really the best, wouldn't trust any other suitcase brand!

5 Things to Look for to Buy a Suitcase That Will Last | Afternoon Tea Reads

Friday 7th of August 2020

[…] more I love about packing than organizing into different pockets. If you read my blog post on how to properly pack your suitcase,  you’ll know what I mean. So the suitcase needs to having good separators. This is another […]


Sunday 2nd of February 2020

I LOVE my packing cubes. I never travel without them. I always struggle leaving room for the return trip home.


Sunday 2nd of February 2020

Same! I love buying souvenirs :) I recently started bringing a packable duffel so I can unpack it and stuff it up with goodies on the way home!


Sunday 2nd of February 2020

Totally agree on pre-planning before packing! I even make a list, cross things off, a week or so ahead of time. I like bringing things along that I’m fine leaving behind, too. Good tips! ☺️


Sunday 2nd of February 2020

Yes! Lists are clutch! Oh, that's a good idea too!