Let’s find the best breakfast tea blend from around the world! Comparing Red Rose (Canada), Lipton (USA), PG Tips (England) and Lyons (Ireland).
Breakfast tea
I wanted to find the best Irish breakfast tea when comparing the most popular brands: Barry’s, Lyons, and Bewley’s.
You’ve most likely heard of Assam, Darjeeling, and Ceylon black tea. But, there are many other varieties of black tea, even from the same tea producing country that are worth discovering.
There are actually other plants that offer healthy alternatives to coffee with caffeine. Each alternative gives you a different amount and type of energy. It’s all about finding the coffee alternative that works best for you
As it turns out, breakfast tea is not just from England. But I wondered, what makes it English vs. Irish vs. Scottish breakfast tea blends? Does it come down to where they’re from or is there actually a difference between them?
Earl Grey tea is one of my all time favourite go to teas. It’s perfect when I don’t want something too bitter, but I still want a pick me up. But, not all Earl Grey teas are the same. I wanted to find out what the best Earl Grey tea on the market was.
Earl grey is delicious, but what about an Earl grey latte!?