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5 Teas For Travel You Should Always Bring With You

It’s no secret, travel can be overwhelming. There’s the actual stress of traveling, the disruption to your daily routine, and usually a lack of sleep. All this can ultimately have a negative effect on your body. This is where different teas for travel come into play!

The last thing you want to happen on vacation is not be able to enjoy it. So, I always make sure to pack 5 essential teas for travel that I take with me wherever I go.

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My Top 5 Teas For Travel That I Never Leave Home Without #teasfortravel #teaforperiods #teaforbettersleep #teaforjetlag

Top 5 Teas For Travel

My top 5 teas for travel include both caffeinated and herbal teas. These teas help with everything from overcoming jet lag to staying healthy and stress free on the road!

1. Get A Caffeine Boost Without The Anxiety

Black tea is a necessity for me whenever I’m travelling. For one, this is my daily routine, and, unlike coffee, tea isn’t always as available everywhere you go.

Black tea helps in a few ways. First, it helps me keep a routine; wake up and make a cup of tea. Second, black tea, like coffee, acts as a diuretic, which can prove very helpful on vacation (when you might not be able to go to the bathroom as regularly as you like to – more remedies for that later!).

But more importantly, black tea is caffeinated and also has L-Theanine. The L-Theanine allows a slower release of caffeine. So you get more energy slowly avoiding the jitters, crashes, and all around anxiety that can come with coffee – this is good for already stressful situations.

Pick up some easy to travel with bags of black tea.

If you’re interested, read my post for more coffee alternatives for caffeine.


2. Best Tea For Jet Lag – Calming Teas

Black tea is great if you need to stay awake, but what if you need help falling asleep? Well, there are teas for that too! Jet lag is a huge part of travelling there’s always new tricks to try and avoid it.

Even if you’re travelling somewhere without a time change, the first night’s sleep in a new place is never a good one. Apparently part of your brain stays semi-awake – just in case!

So, whether you need to a tea for jet lag or just sleep easier, pack some sleepy time tea to help have a better night’s sleep.

There are many different blends for sleepy and calming teas, it’s just a matter of finding what works best for you (and the flavour you like best!).

The main brands are Celestial and Traditional Medicinals but you can also try Yogi Blends.

The core ingredients in sleepy teas are typically chamomile and valerian. But make a point to check the other ingredients to make sure you’re okay with everything they add.


3. Digestive Support Travel Tea

Travel brings stress along with irregular meal schedules, and don’t even get me started on the strange food we sometimes have to eat! (P.S. Are you a picky eater? See how I manage to travel with dietary restrictions). All this to say, that travel can lead to some digestive issues.

As I said before, I love black tea for helping me go to the bathroom more regularly. If you’re having an unsettled stomach, but don’t want any caffeine, my go-to travel tea is peppermint. I brew a nice cup of mint tea after eating a meal if I’m feeling a bit too bloated.

For something stronger, Traditional Medicinal sells Smooth Moves, a tea with Sena leaf also known for digestive support and to keep you regular!


4. Build Your Immune System With The Best Travel Tea

On top of the added stress and irregular schedule, you’re also in contact with so many new people that your immune system can become compromised. That’s why before you even leave for your trip, and then during your trip you really want to make sure you have a strong immune system.

Surprise, surprise, there’s a travel tea for that too! When I’m home, I like adding a slice of lemon to my tea to boost my immune system. But, when I’m travelling, I don’t always have access to a slice of lemon.

That’s where my favourite lemon tea steps in! I Love Lemon from Bigelow tea with Vitamin C is my all-time favourite. It’s hard to find in Canada though, but I recently stumbled on this lemon and Echinacea tea that’s high in Zinc, I’m going to try it!

If lemon isn’t your favourite, green tea is also high in antioxidants which will help your immune system (and give you a little energy boost too!)


5. Stop Worrying About Your Period When Travelling

If you know you’re travelling around that time of the month don’t travel without Hibiscus tea! Whether I’m travelling for a weekend, a week, or two weeks, I always manage to have my period on vacation.

The worst is when you’re trying to enjoy your day and you end up with period cramps getting in your way. So, to avoid those days, I always pack some hibiscus tea.

It’s a proven benefit of hibiscus that it helps with cramps and it can even induce menstruation. But, before you try this magical tea, be sure to read more about the benefits AND Risks of hibiscus tea!

Also check out some more teas that can be helpful on your period!


All Around Best Tea For Travel: Chamomile

At the end of the day, if there’s only one travel tea that I can recommend to bring, it’s chamomile. First, it’s delicious, but, it also gives you the most benefits. Chamomile is used as a natural stress reliever, so it’s used in all the sleep easy teas.

As a bonus, it’s also rich in antioxidants. So drink up to build that weakened immune system. To make chamomile even better (as if that’s even possible), it’s also an anti-inflammatory. That means it can also help with period cramps, although you’ll have to start drinking it two weeks in advance for these benefits.

The only thing it doesn’t do is give you that extra caffeine boost that you might need.


How To Take Loose Leaf Teas To Go?

Taking loose leaf teas to go isn’t a problem at all – it just might require a bit more preparation. You can either pack the tea and then separate steepers. I recommend silicon refillable tea bags (like these on Amazon) – they won’t break, and are very squish-able so take up very little room in your suitcase. But then you have to start cleaning them on vacation and it isn’t always the cleanest.

Instead, I buy mesh tea bags. (like these on Amazon) that I pre pack with tea in advance. This way I don’t have to think about tea on the road the bags are already made. So I get good quality tea without the hassle of dealing with steepers.

If you’re looking for travel tea mugs, I love the ones from Davids Tea (like this one on Amazon). They keep your tea hot (or cold) for HOURS and they’re totally leak proof so you can keep it in your bag worry free!


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My Top 5 Teas For Travel That I Never Leave Home Without #teasfortravel #teaforperiods #teaforbettersleep #teaforjetlag

Last update on 2025-02-28 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


Sunday 26th of April 2020

I drink it at home on the daily, but have never really thought about bringing with on travels. I always worried TSA would think it was something else?? 😛 Love your site!


Monday 27th of April 2020

Thanks so much! I actually used to be scared of that too but I've never had an issue flying with loose leaf tea!

Kara Paul

Friday 10th of April 2020

Nice! I didn't know that about Hibiscus tea, I only thought Raspberry tea helps with female stuff!


Saturday 11th of April 2020

Both are great options! Rose tea also helps with some of the side effects of our periods too.


Thursday 9th of April 2020

You sure are a tea expert! I'm a coffee drinker, but my Mom is an avid tea enthusiast! She used to feed me chamomile blends to get me to sleep, and black tea in the mornings :-)


Thursday 9th of April 2020

I try! What can I say, moms definitely know best! Coffee is great too for the jet lag and early morning wake up calls!


Wednesday 8th of April 2020

This is such a great idea. I love tea and should bring it with me when I travel. I love a cup of chamomile before I go to bed. Having one like lemon to boost my immune system would be a good idea too!


Thursday 9th of April 2020

It's one of my essentials when I travel!


Wednesday 8th of April 2020

I love the idea of bringing teas with me when I travel! I never thought to do it, despite being a tea addict when I'm home in Toronto. Gonna for sure bring my chamomile next time I get to do some traveling. Thanks for the inspo!


Thursday 9th of April 2020

Definitely bring some with you, it's perfect to relax with at night! It also takes up no extra space, it's a no brainer to bring in my mind :P